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Boy in Taiwan has nerves severed after toilet sink breaks

Boy in Taiwan has nerves severed after toilet sink breaks

A 10-year-old boy in Taiwan had to be rushed to the emergency room after the toilet sink he was leaning on suddenly broke. 

The incident took place in Tainan and the boy surnamed Wang sustained serious injuries after being cut by the ceramic shards from the broken sink. 

He was reported to have a habit of leaning on his sink at home whenever he washed his hands, so it came as a shock when it suddenly collapsed and broke. 

His parents found him sitting in a pool of blood shouting for help. 


According to local media, the boy had to go through four hours of surgery for the wounds he sustained in the accident.

His injuries included his left forearm muscles sliced through by the shards, causing multiple nerves to be severed. The arteries in a leg were also cut open, and there was lacerations all over his body. 

Doctors added that he needed to be hospitalised for at least a week and undergo physiotherapy since his nerves were damaged. 

As he is still a young boy, the injuries could affect the use of his hands in the future even when they heal.

Doctors from the local hospital took the incident to warn parents against installing floating sinks and they pointed out that kids have a habit of leaning on them, which can cause them to break.

They encouraged parents of young children to install sinks with a base to eliminate the risk of incidents like this.

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