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North Korea's Kim orders 'fundamental transformation' of agriculture amid food shortages

North Korea's Kim orders 'fundamental transformation' of agriculture amid food shortages
Kim Jong-un at the seventh enlarged plenary meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea in Pyongyang, on Feb 27, in this photo released by the Korean Central News Agency.
PHOTO: Reuters

SEOUL – North Korean leader Kim Jong-un called for a "fundamental transformation" in agricultural production, state media reported on Tuesday (Feb 28), amid fears that the country's food shortage is worsening.

Kim said hitting grain production targets this year was a top priority and emphasised the importance of stable agriculture production during the second day of the seventh enlarged plenary meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea on Monday, according to the state's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

The report did not elaborate on what measures North Korea would take, but Kim said the changes need to happen in the next few years.

His remark comes amid reports of growing food shortage woes in the country.

Earlier this month, South Korea's Unification Ministry said the food situation in the North "seemed to have deteriorated".

The ministry said at that time that it was rare for North Korea to announce a special meeting on agriculture strategy, which was slated for late February.

In his address at Monday's meeting, KCNA said Kim mentioned the "importance of the growth of the agricultural productive forces" in ensuring socialist construction.

North Korea is under strict international sanctions over its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programmes.

ALSO READ: North Korea mobilises young labourers in new housing plan amid economic woes

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