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Thai court rules protesters intended to overthrow monarchy

Thai court rules protesters intended to overthrow monarchy
Panupong "Mike Rayong" Jadnok, Parit "Penguin" Chiwarak, Panusaya "Rung" Sithijirawattanakul and Arnon Nampa, a rights lawyer and protest leader arrive to report themselves to police summons to acknowledge additional charges of Article 112 for actions deemed as insult to the monarchy, at a police station in Bangkok, Thailand, on Nov 30, 2020.
PHOTO: Reuters file

BANGKOK - A Thai court ruled yesterday (Nov 10) that three anti-government activists who had called for reform of the country's powerful monarchy had violated the Constitution by making what it called a veiled attempt to overthrow the institution.

The Constitutional Court, ruling in a case brought by a royalist lawyer, said a controversial 10-point call for reforms of the institution by three student protest leaders in August last year was designed to topple the monarchy.

"The actions have hidden intentions to overthrow the constitutional monarchy and were not a call for reform," a judge of the court said.

The court was ruling on the constitutionality of their reform call and imposed no penalty but ordered them and their groups "to cease further action in these matters".

The role of the monarchy is a taboo topic in Thailand, where the palace is officially above politics and constitutionally enshrined to be held in "revered worship".

The court case concerned a speech by Ms Panusaya "Rung" Sithijirawattanakul calling for amendments to crown property laws, reducing the royal family's budget allocation and seeking the abolition of a law that prescribes 15-year jail terms for insulting the monarchy.

Two other protesters, human rights lawyer Arnon Nampa, 37, and Panupong "Mike" Jadnok, 24, also spoke at the same rally.

A group of protesters gathered near the court yesterday, among them Ms Panusaya, who said overthrowing the monarchy was not her goal but that she respected the ruling.

Mr Arnon and Mr Panupong are in prison in pre-trial detention on other charges. Their lawyer Kritsadang Nutcharat, said they too had no desire to topple the monarchy. 

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