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Japanese girl achieves lifelong dream by going on a date with Godzilla

Japanese girl achieves lifelong dream by going on a date with Godzilla
Seira Watanabe on a date with Godzilla.

Imagine being able to go on a date with your favourite fictional character. That’s exactly what 13-year-old Seira Watanabe got to experience with the man, or should we say kaiju, of her dreams. The teenage girl from Kansai, Japan, was ecstatic to be able to go on a date with Godzilla.

Watanabe is such a huge fan of Godzilla that she even wrote in to to the producers of the television show Tantei! Knight Scoop, an Osaka television show which takes (often silly) requests from viewers, and turns those dreams into reality.

“My love is so great that I would like to marry Godzilla,” the junior high girl wrote in her request.

And grant her wish they did. The crew went over to her house to interview the girl where she showed off her huge kaiju collection. Watanabe’s deep love for the monster overflowed into her fan-works of Godzilla and she can even do an impressive imitation of the roar.

When it was revealed that they brought Godzilla over to meet her, the overwhelmed girl collapsed onto the floor and was so excited that she started hyperventilating.

The two then went on a sweet date with the girl even preparing a bento lunch for Godzilla. Her supportive grandfather even went along as a chaperon. The couple held hands and visited the Godzilla Museum on Awaji Island.

Afterwards, the two stopped for lunch but as Godzilla couldn’t really eat the bento, Watanabe pretend-fed him and even served him tea.

The cute date for the couple ended on a sparkling beach at sunset. The girl tried proposing to Godzilla but unfortunately, he had to reject her. Nonetheless, she still got to share a kiss with him and exchange roars on the seashore. We’re sure that she made many wonderful memories that day.

This article was first published in Geek Culture.

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