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Kelly Osbourne says she relapsed after 4 years being drug and alcohol free

Kelly Osbourne says she relapsed after 4 years being drug and alcohol free
PHOTO: Instagram/kellyosbourne

Kelly Osbourne has revealed that she relapsed after four years being drug and alcohol free.

The 36-year-old star became teetotal in 2017 after battling with addiction but took to social media to reveal that she had suffered a relapse and was "not proud of it".

In a candid Instagram story, Kelly - the daughter of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne - explained: "This is a little hard for me to talk about but I've always promised you I will be honest with you about where I'm at and what's going on on my road to recovery.

"I relapsed, not proud of it but I'm back on track and I will be doing a podcast this week where I tell everybody about what's going on and what happened."

Kelly said that she's taking things "one day at a time" and wants to tell her fans the "truth" because she "never wants to lie" to them.

She shared: "I just want to let you know that I'm sober today and I'm going to be sober tomorrow.

"But I've truly learned that it is just one day at a time and I wanted to tell you guys the truth cause I never ever want to lie to you.

"Thank you so much for your support and love and you'll be hearing from me soon."


Kelly recently revealed that she thinks she's "a f****** crazy person" when she is on her own for too long and felt she was fortunate to take a three-year break from work after her addiction battle.

The former Fashion Police judge said: "I am an addict. I am an alcoholic, I have ADHD and OCD. So when I am allowed to be left on my own with my own thoughts, I am a f****** crazy person.

"I was very lucky that I had the opportunity to go down the roads that I've gone to in recovery. It is an expensive road, I acknowledge that.

"I took three years off work and used every single bit of my savings I had left to pay for it. Literally I was in therapy every day for the first year. I was like, if I don't do this, if I don't give myself this one chance, I'm done."

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