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No Merlion? Ultraman returns to fight beetle kaiju at Changi Airport

No Merlion? Ultraman returns to fight beetle kaiju at Changi Airport
PHOTO: YouTube/Ultraman Official

Ultraman is back to save yet another local iconic landmark.

After defeating a Godzilla-like monster at Gardens By The Bay in the first episode, the superhero is duking it out with another kaiju at Changi Airport in the latest episode.

Strangely, the Merlion didn't make its appearance despite being teased as the next possible opponent last week.

Released on Tuesday (Dec 14) on YouTube, the three-minute episode showed another kaiju — a beetle-like monster — emerging at Changi Airport.

The short film is entirely in Japanese with no English subtitles, but it's clear that the monster is a threat to Jewel Changi Airport and terrorising the public by shooting bolts of blue lightning. 

When it seemed like all hope was lost, Ultraman arrives in the nick of time to save the screaming bystanders.

The monster is finally defeated but the threat isn't over as trouble is brewing just beneath the waters off Sentosa.

In an aerial shot of Sentosa, a blue glow can be seen in the waters and the menacing Merlion-like creature is shown once again. Considering that the finale drops next week, we might finally get to see the much-anticipated battle in the next episode.


According to the Visit Singapore website, this video is the second episode of the Ultraman: A New Power of Singapore series which is part of the SingapoReimagine campaign.

Other locations making an appearance in the upcoming episodes include Sentosa and Marina Bay.

Launched by the Singapore Tourism Board in Japan, it aims to celebrate 55 years of diplomatic relations between Singapore and Japan and to "convey the charm of Singapore from a new perspective."

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