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Adventures at home: Rediscovering art in Thomson-East Coast Line MRT stations

Adventures at home: Rediscovering art in Thomson-East Coast Line MRT stations
Spot these classic botanical artworks by NParks on the platform floor of Napier station, located nearby Botanical Gardens.

Happy anniversary, Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL)!

On this day (Jan 31) in 2020, the TEL became Singapore’s fifth MRT line, with only three stations: Woodlands, Woodlands North, and Woodlands South.

Today, the "brown" line has 20 stations operating, with seven more stops to open next year, and a further five more in the future.

The new MRT line made plenty of go-to spots in our Little Red Dot way more accessible (and don’t forget the good makan choices along this line too), but it does hold another secret: Like the North-East line, the North-South line, Downtown line, and Circle Line, this MRT line also doubles as an unconventional art gallery, with incredible artworks at nearly every stop.

Here are some that have caught our attention on our many commutes.


Tree of Memories by Koh Hong Teng

Besides the feast of food options, this car-lite area also has a beautiful nature park. Tree of Memories perfectly captures the vibe with a massive banyan tree juxtaposed with nostalgic shophouses, much like what you see at Springleaf estate.


Interlude for Lentor by Tan Guo-Liang

This musical-note like artwork is inspired by Teachers’ Estate, where the roads there are named after famous poets and philosophers. The piece becomes a large visual score that resembles musical notations and calligraphic scripts.

Bright Hill

A Kaleidoscopic Nature by anGie seah

Prepare for a burst of colour! Inspired by childhood memories, this vibrant piece mirrors the beauty of Bishan Park, complete with microscopic details of plants, matching the station’s nature inspired design.


: ) ( : by Claire Lim

Look closely — these walls are smiling at you! Claire Lim wanted the station to greet us with good vibes, flowing energy, and a whole lot of meaning. It's like getting a warm welcome every time you arrive or bid farewell at this stop.


Botanical Art by National Parks Board

History meets horticulture in this educational masterpiece, fitting as this station is located nearby Botanic Gardens.

These botanical paintings were adapted from 19th and 20th-century artworks by botanical artists James and Charles de Alwis who worked at the Gardens.

Former librarian at the Gardens, Christina Soh, shortlisted the pieces, which were digitally enhanced by Lim Yn Sheao, a graphic designer at NParks.

Orchard Boulevard

PULSE by Twardzik Ching Chor Leng

This artwork can be found at the gantry, near the escalators heading down to the platform. Head towards the gantry, and you'll spot some industrial magic!

PULSE symbolises the daily hustle and bustle of our city-state, with pipes representing the flow of commuters. It's like the heartbeat of our vibrant city, keeping it alive and kicking.


Scotts Road / Orchard Road from ION Sky by Mintio

It’s the familiar skyline of Orchard Road lit up at night, but with a whole new perspective. Mintio used a panoramic camera to take this epic shot from the top of ION Sky, using an entire roll of film to capture the cityscape seamlessly.

ALSO READ: Shine, Singapore: Light art takes over the Lion City

This article was first published in

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