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Mysterious feet, angry spirits and a baby ghost: Our colleagues share real-life ghost stories for Halloween

Mysterious feet, angry spirits and a baby ghost: Our colleagues share real-life ghost stories for Halloween
PHOTO: Unsplash, Pexels

Thanks to Halloween, October is the month for all things spooky. 

Apart from stressing over costume ideas and getting hyped for all the fun, spooky events, we're sure that some of you have been busy exchanging ghost stories in an attempt to scare others silly. 

We've done our fair share of that in the office and to join in on the festivities, here are some of our favourite picks. 

Ghost baby and children 

17 years ago, after his wife gave birth to their firstborn child at Thomson Medical Centre, our Head of Department of Corporate Strategy and Services Group, Sam Ong, witnessed something eerie when he stayed the night. 

While he was lying on the hospital room's sofa, which faced the door, he saw it quietly open. 

"White smoke came in - just like the type we see in movies - and there was this lady with long hair and without a face in a white robe," he recounted. 

She wasn't alone. 

Tagging along were a bunch of children and even babies, all of whom were laughing and giggling. 

They then surrounded Sam's son's crib and tried to play with the newborn infant. 

"The strange thing was, I didn't feel afraid or scared, it was like they were visiting the room and trying to make sure the baby was okay," revealed Sam. 

Eventually, they left, leaving Sam dazed and confused. 

"Till this day, I don't know if I was dreaming or it was real cause it felt so surreal." 

Choked in her sleep 

Some time back, our editorial strategist Syarifah Nadhirah had gone to bed after roller-skating in the park. The next morning, she woke up with a pillow covering her face. 

"My grandma came in and saw nothing but me thrashing around," Nadhirah shared, adding that her eyes had become red. 

Later on, she learned that the path she had roller-skated over earlier on was the same place where a woman got stabbed to death

"It was big news in my neighbourhood, she was stab to death by some crazy guy," said Nadhirah. 

"If I recall, my grandma saw blood all over the path and the cleaner told her she wanted to quit because she didn't want to clean up the blood." 

Peeping Tom 

Back when she was a teenager, Bhavya Rawat - our Editorial Strategist - and her friends experienced something eerie when they were changing in the toilets of their school. 

"My secondary school is pretty old and there's this one building that has been untouched since the school moved to this new location," she recounted, describing it as an eerie structure with dimly-lit, long corridors. 

As her classroom was located near this building, she and her classmates would sometimes go there to change out of convenience. 

On one of these occasions, when she and another two girls were changing just before their physical education (PE) class, something spine-chilling happened. 

Two of them went in first as there were only two available cubicles and they waited outside when the last girl went in. 

"Less than a minute later, the girl inside slammed the stall door open and ran out panicking," shared Bhavya.

"She told us while she was changing she saw someone peeking at her over the wall from the stall that was locked and when they made eye contact that 'person' ducked back down." 

Bhavya's friend tried to convince herself it was the other two girls trying to prank her, but it wasn't.

Neither of them saw anyone go in and out of the toilet either.

"So until today, we don't know what my friend saw." 

Mysterious pair of feet 

Another colleague that experienced something spooky in the girl's bathroom is Nabila Ghani, our Acting Creative Lead for the Digital Amplification Department. 

For her, it happened in her polytechnic during assignment submission day. 

Nabila was in school around 7am to 8am and needed to go to the toilet. 

"The toilets only have two cubicles, when I went in, I already saw one was occupied, so I just went into the other," she explained. 

Just as she was about to do her business, she caught sight of a pair of feet standing facing her cubicle. 

"I didn't freak out because I didn't register what was going on," Nabila said. 

She only realised something was amiss when she exited the cubicle. 

"The other door was ajar, and I didn't hear anyone leave before me," she shared. 

"And when I peeped back into my cubicle, the legs were still there." 

The tall ballerina 

When Jodan Chan, our Digital Amplification Department Apprentice was having prata at 3am with his friend, they told him a pretty spine-chilling tale. 

His friend had a friend who was living in a rental flat as their house was under renovations then. And opposite his friend's rental flat was another flat that was close enough that the neighbours could see each other. 

This friend had a golden retriever as well and it would often bark and whine at certain areas of the house but no one thought too much into it. 

That was, until they bumped into a neighbour who lived in the opposite block

This neighbour had asked the friend if her sister did ballet. 

But she did not have a sister. 

Confused, the neighbour explained that she would often wake up in the middle of the night because of her baby. 

When this happens, she would carry the child and walk around her house and sometimes, she would look out of the window and see something odd. 

"Every night when I carry my baby, I would notice a shadow of a very tall lady in your room. And the tall lady just spins as though she's doing ballet," shared the neighbour. 

ALSO READ: Former police officer spills most terrifying on-the-job ghost stories 

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