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We got our hearts racing on board a luxury ship in Singapore, but it wasn't from a romantic dinner

Get Out!! is a bi-weekly video series where our hosts go out and discover new things around Singapore.

This week, Le En and Walter go on board Royal Albatross, but sadly not for a romantic sunset dinner. They'll be experiencing life as a sailor and climb the ship's mast, 21 metres above sea level! 

If you've been to Sentosa, you'd have probably seen the majestic Royal Albatross docked in the waters that look like a ship out of a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean.

While many see the Royal Albatross as a romantic dining venue to make their partners swoon with a luxurious three-course dinner while sailing in the open waters, what they may not know is that the tall ship boasts another kind of experience that isn't for the faint of heart. 

On this week's episode of Get Out!!, our host Le En may have gotten co-host Walter to go on the Royal Albatross with her, but what's waiting ahead of them isn't a romantic sunset dinner that will set her heart racing, but a mast climbing session instead.

For $38 per person, per session, you'll get to experience what's it like to be a sailor, strapped up in safety equipment and scaling the mast that is 21 metres above sea level.

Sailors usually climb the mast when they need to repair a rig or perform a visual inspection, and it's not an easy feat even for these pros. 

The windier conditions faced by Le En made the climb even more challenging, but once you get past your fears or are as brave as Walter, you'll want to take a minute to enjoy the surrounding scenery from way up above.

If this is your idea of what a date should be — exhilarating and unconventional, then you may want to add mast climbing into your bucket list of experiences to try.

Though, if the mast climbing date starts heading south and your date hates you for making her do something as crazy as this, you may want to apologise and make it up to her with the 'I'm Sorry' package that is offered on the Royal Albatross that comes with a bouquet of 25 roses. Anything to appease your lady love, right?

Where: 8 Sentosa Gateway, 098269

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