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'F*** off every click costs money you know': Property agent slams Facebook user who clicked wrongly on ad

'F*** off every click costs money you know': Property agent slams Facebook user who clicked wrongly on ad
Ramesh was told by a property agent to "F*** off" when he accidentally responded to the latter's Facebook ad.
PHOTO: Stomp

An accidental click was all it took to push this property agent's buttons. 

While he was putting his phone into his pocket, Ramesh accidentally sent an automatic reply to a property agent's Facebook ad on Wednesday (April 19), reported Stomp. 

When he checked his phone again, he realised he received a response from the property agent clarifying which property he was interested in, as the latter had "a few ads" running on Facebook. 

"Sorry wrongly clicked," replied Ramesh. 

The outraged agent then responded: "F*** off every click costs money you know!" 

Shocked by the "rude" response he received, Ramesh told Stomp that the agent was "not fit for a customer-facing admin role". 

Job seeker and employer hurl insults over WhatsApp

Speaking of rude messages, a woman who was enquiring about a flyer distributor job last May ended up trading insults with her prospective employer after the latter said she was not a suitable candidate

Farhana, 23, sent Stomp screenshots of their correspondence, which showed her asking for details about the job. 

She also asked the man for directions, which prompted the man to tell her: "Nvm then. Not suitable if I need to spoon-feed on this." 

The pair soon started cussing at each other. 

She told Stomp: "I didn't want to curse him but he did it first. so I threatened to sue him. I called him and again, he was so rude to me." 

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