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'Ya boy is vaxxed!' TikToker suggests quirky yet useful update to TraceTogether app

'Ya boy is vaxxed!' TikToker suggests quirky yet useful update to TraceTogether app
PHOTO: Screengrab/TikTok/_benpai_

The vaccination-differentiated measures that kicked in recently have affected Singaporeans such as this TikToker who spent 15 minutes queuing to enter a shopping mall

However, this other TikToker has suggested a nifty solution that may solve the problem. 

On Thursday (Oct 14), _benpai_ posted a video showing how waiting times to enter malls and food establishments could potentially be reduced by adding an individual's vaccination status on the TraceTogether app's check-in page.

In the video — which has more than 26,500 views and 3,700 likes — he created a mock-up of how an update to the app could look like and with a Gen Z twist.


##sgtiktok ##tracetogether ##vaxxedwaxedrelaxed

♬ Get Vaccinated - ashling

"Ya Boy is Vaxxed!", the line reads in a green box he created at the bottom of the check-in page. Another cheeky line reads, meant for F&B staff: "Please let him eat."

Conversely, for the unvaccinated, the box below the check-in is red, and reads "Ya Boy is NOT Vaxxed" with the subsequent line, "Dapao Squad it is". 

Currently, in order to check-in at any location, TraceTogether users have to first scan the venue's QR code, and then return to the app's main page to show their vaccination status. 

Netizens seemed to be impressed with the idea, and agreed that it would reduce the time it takes to enter shopping malls and F&B establishments. 

There were also multiple comments tagging, as well as GovTech (Government Technology Agency), alerting them to this suggestion.

Since Wednesday, unvaccinated individuals are no longer allowed to dine-in at hawker centres, go to shopping malls and visit attractions. These new regulations were announced by the Ministry of Health last Saturday, as part of a "move to protect unvaccinated individuals in the community", and to "reduce the strain on the healthcare system".  

Since June 1, the use of TraceTogether for digital check-ins was made mandatory for places with higher footfall, or where people are likely to be in close proximity. These places include shopping malls, workplaces, places of worship, schools, education institutions, dine-in food and beverage outlets and gyms.

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