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Your TL;DR guide to GRCs and SMCs to watch on GE2020 Nomination Day

Your TL;DR guide to GRCs and SMCs to watch on GE2020 Nomination Day

Every election, Nomination Day is a closely watched affair in Singapore as everyone is keen to find out who will be competing in which constituency and where the various political parties are fielding their best teams. Mainly because this is where we can expect to see the closest fights, and the most action. 

GE2020 is no different. Even as parties have shared their line-ups, in the words of Progress Singapore Party (PSP) chief, Dr Tan Cheng Bock, politics is very fluid, and things can change at the very last minute. So who’s contesting where is never quite set until the nomination papers are handed in and officially accepted.  

And of course, with a record-breaking 11 political parties in the fray this time, we’re expecting a couple of 3-cornered fights to be thrown into the mix.

We know it’s a lot to take in, so here’s our TL;DR take on the GRCs and SMCs that you should keep your eye on this Nomination Day.

Aljunied GRC

The first GRC ever to be lost to the Opposition. Workers' Party (WP) won in 2015 by the slimmest of margins - 50.95 per cent.

The WP is expected to field their A team, which includes chief Pritam Singh and chairman Sylvia Lim but not former chief Low Thia Kiang. Who from People's Action Party (PAP) will be deployed here and will they be able to win this GRC back?

East Coast GRC

Another old battleground between WP and PAP, this is PAP’s narrowest winning GRC in the last two elections. And WP’s Nicole Seah has been spotted here walking the ground. With PAP anchor Lim Swee Say expected to retire, who will step in to take his place?

West Coast GRC

Six-term Ayer Rajah MP Tan Cheng Bock is back with PSP to reclaim his old seat, which he held for 26 years and is now part of this GRC. PAP’s Lim Hng Kiang is expected to retire and eyes will be on who is sent here to shore up PAP's defence. 

Sengkang GRC 

Includes former Punggol East SMC, where WP’s Lee Li Lian was once MP. She lost to PAP’s Charles Chong, who won with 51.76 per cent of the vote but he is retiring from politics. The only brand new GRC this year, it’s anyone’s fight to win.

Hougang SMC

Long-term WP stronghold for the last 29 years. In 2015, WP’s Png Eng Huat won with 57.96 per cent of the votes and for 2020, NCMP Dennis Tan of WP is expected to run with Low seen walking the ground with him. No word yet on who PAP will send in for battle this year. 

Marine Parade GRC 

With long time anchor minister Goh Chok Tong retiring after 44 years, incumbent Tan Chuan-Jin is expected to helm the GRC. But WP could spring a surprise by fielding Nicole Seah who contested here in 2011 with NSP and cause a huge sensation.

Stay updated with the latest news from Nomination Day with AsiaOne's Nomination Day coverage from 9am at

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